“In essentials, unity;
in non-essentials, liberty;
in all things, love.”

We believe the Scriptures reveal three distinct elements of the faith: essential elements which are necessary for salvation; important elements which are to be pursued so that we faithfully follow Christ; and personal elements or opinion. The gospel is essential. Every person who is indwelt and sealed by God’s Holy Spirit because of their faith in the gospel is a brother or a sister in Christ. Important but secondary elements of the faith are vital. Our faithfulness to God requires us to seek and pursue them, even as we acknowledge that our salvation may not be dependent on getting them right. And thirdly, there are personal matters of opinion, disputable areas where God gives us personal freedom. But we are never at liberty to express our freedom in a way that causes others to stumble in sin. In all things, we want to show understanding, kindness, and love.

It's important to know that following Jesus will radically challenge how you view your identity, morality, and worldview. The Bible says some things that may be very difficult to accept. In response, we are called to be transformed by the renewal of our minds (Romans 12:1-2).

We want to walk through those challenges alongside you as you come to know Jesus.

Essential Theology

We believe in God the Father,
who created the heavens and the earth,
making all human beings as divine image bearers.
We violated the image of God in others and ourselves,
and abandoned our role in the creation.
In response, God chose Israel as a blessing and light to all peoples,
in order to renew the creation.

We believe in God the Son, Jesus the Messiah, who is fully human and fully God.
Baptized in water and anointed with the Spirit, he proclaimed the reign of God:
preaching good news to the poor and brokenhearted,
announcing forgiveness by calling all to repent and believe the good news,
and commissioning his followers to make disciples,
baptizing them into the communion of the Father, Son, and Spirit
and teaching them to embrace this new way of life.
Jesus was crucified, giving his life for the sin of the world.
God raised Jesus from the dead,
breaking the power of sin and evil,
delivering us from death to eternal life,
and inaugurating new creation.
God enthroned Jesus as the Lord of creation.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit, the giver and renewer of life,
whom the Father, through the Son, poured out upon us,
enabling us to love God and neighbor,
and binding us together with all believers in the church, the Body of Christ,
and together we give thanks at the table of the Lord.
The Spirit spoke through the prophets and apostles,
and inspired Scripture to equip us for every good work.
The Spirit empowers us to witness to Christ as Lord and Savior,
and to work for justice and peace as we seek to live holy and joyful lives.

We believe in the resurrection of the dead,
wait for God’s new heaven and new earth,
and pray, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

Our Core Values:


We cultivate connection and collaboration around the person of Jesus Christ.


We graciously receive each person as Christ has graciously received us.


The grace and mercy of Jesus motivates us to bring a positive energy to our environments.


We communicate with candor and compassion.


Our teaching is focused on Jesus Christ, His resurrection, and being a part of His church.


We want to make a positive difference in the lives of the people we encounter.